Brand New Website up and running

Posted on March 31, 2013 by Kyla Morgan

At last, our new website for Limelight Company is ready to reveal!
It has taken a very long time to add all the products I have added to our stock list over the last 2 years but I think you will be impressed with the new format. We still have a few more items to add from the old website and a whole lot of new products to add.
It is smart phone/ tablet, iPhone/ iPad friendly and will have a blog section where you can see the latest news from Limelight Company including the latest face and body painting workshops available, reviews of previous workshops and a whole lot of useful information for the big, colourful face painting, body painting, make up artistry world. We will have a monthly specials page too so please come and visit us regularly to see what's new.

Being new, the website may have a few glitches at the start so please let me know if you see anything that doesn't make sense or isn't working as it should. PLEASE NOTE: Only Pay Pal payments will be taken to start with but if you would like to order and pay via credit card over the phone that is no problem at all. Our old website will still be taking orders for at least another month until all the little "glitches" are ironed out of the brand new website and then it will be available via the old address is only temporary, so please keep an eye out for when the new website is officially 

I hope that all makes sense and you enjoy visiting the new website, please let me know what you think of it.

Kyla Morgan owner of Limelight Company quality face and body art supplies
U4/C 11 Erade Dr, Piara Waters, Western Australia

Posted in body painting, classes, face painting, iPad, iPhone, Limelight Company, Perth, Western Australia, workshops

New products and dates for November face painting workshops

Wiser Oner, Graffiti Artist and body painter at Limelight Company

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